Have a Joy filled day Dragon Family.💛
almost 2 years ago, Becky Dean
Openings at MPS for 23-24
almost 2 years ago, Misty Christian
BASEBALL/SOFTBALL GAME UPDATE: Due to the forecast of severe weather in our area, the games scheduled for Thursday, April 20, against Mansfield have been rescheduled for Friday, April 21 @ 4:00.
almost 2 years ago, Misty Christian
MHS was a little late, but today we celebrated our ParaPros! We couldn't do what we do without them! Thank you all so much for being a part of the Dragon team!
almost 2 years ago, Courtney Cristee
9th and 10th grade Dragons slayed the ACT Aspire this week! Great work students!
almost 2 years ago, Courtney Cristee
The Last Reading Reminder: The scheduled reading for Thursday, April 20th is Chapters 23-Glinda Grants Dorothy's Wish and 24-Home Again on pages 295-307. Happy reading!
almost 2 years ago, Tracey Earnhart
REMINDER: Wrestling information meeting tonight @ 6 PM in the Middle School Dragons Den! All interested athletes headed into grades 9-12 and their parents are welcome!
almost 2 years ago, Zachary Kearney
Congratulations to Mrs. Hecox's class for being selected as our Readers Showcase Class today. They won books for their classroom library and a matching game. Thanks for reading!
almost 2 years ago, Tracey Earnhart
Showcase Hecox Class
One School - One Book: MES Video Recording for Day 18 of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This video link is of Amber Ridenoure, reading Day 18 : Chapter 21 - The Lion Becomes the King of Beasts AND Chapter 22 - The Country of the Quadlings ; pgs. 277-293. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ht3oaivnAQl_1-b0fEoX8qQM2zUmCpcL/view?usp=sharing Happy Reading and Happy Listening!
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Voeller
Have a wonderful day Dragons! 💛
almost 2 years ago, Becky Dean
Day 18 Reading Reminder: The scheduled reading for Wednesday, April 19th is chapters 21-The Lion Becomes the King of Beasts and 22-The Country of the Quadlings on pages 277-293. Congratulations to our daily trivia winners! Happy reading!
almost 2 years ago, Tracey Earnhart
Trivia Winners
Congratulations, to Mrs. Malone's Kindergarten students for being selected for the Readers Showcase class of the day! They received books and a game for their classroom. Thanks for reading!
almost 2 years ago, Tracey Earnhart
Malone's Class
Congratulations to the following junior high Dragons for placing in the 2A-4 West District Track Meet: Ryan Allen - 100 meter run (3rd place); 200 meter run (5th place); long jump (1st place); shot put (1st place) Ethan Becker - 400 meter run (6th place); 110 meter hurdles (4th place); 300 meter hurdles (4th place); high jump (7th place) Eli Bassham - 800 meter run (4th place); 1600 meter run (7th place) Nicholas Rodriguez - 800 meter run (8th place); 1600 meter run (8th place) Ethan Manus - 1600 meter run (3rd place); triple jump (8th place) Dallan Turner - 110 meter hurdles (5th place); 300 meter hurdles (5th place); triple jump (4th place) Bryson Quinalty - discus (5th place) Kyle Reynolds - shot put (5th place) Tyler King - shot put (8th place) Congratulations to the following relay teams for placing: 4x100 meter relay (4th place); 4x200 meter relay (4th place); 4x800 meter relay (2nd place)
almost 2 years ago, Zach Dean
Congratulations to the following junior high Lady Dragons for placing in the 2A-4 West District Track Meet: Isabella Phillips - 200 meter run (6th place); 300 meter hurdles (6th Place); long jump (6th place) Camdalynn McCaslin - 200 meter run (7th place); 400 meter run (7th place); high jump (2nd place); long jump (3rd place) Kyla Blair - 400 meter run (8th place); 300 meter hurdles (7th place) Olivia Prothro - 800 meter run (1st place); 1600 meter run (2nd place) Elliot Owen - 300 meter hurdles (5th place); high jump (6th place); triple jump (6th place) JoAnne Bell - 100 meter hurdles (4th place); high jump (7th place) Makayla Rodriguez - triple jump (7th place) Melody Lee - discus (8th place) Rayna Dollard - discus (7th place); shot put (7th place) The following relay teams also placed at the meet: 4x100 meter relay (2nd place); 4x200 meter relay (2nd place); 4x400 meter relay (3rd place); 4x800 meter relay (1st place)
almost 2 years ago, Zach Dean
Love it when we get this kind of celebration of our Dragon students and coaches! 💙 "Wanted to share with you something pretty special from your softball team yesterday. One of your girls hit a foul ball and it hit a kiddo watching the game from the other team. The girl who hit it came over, checked on the kiddo, talked to her, and then gave her the game ball. It was so sweet and thoughtful. Also, your girls had the best sportsmanship all the way around. I was very impressed! Just think we should all share the good things we see in regards to our kids! Have a blessed day! "
almost 2 years ago, Debbie Atwell
There are superstitions for everything...not washing your socks when you're on a winning streak, not shaving on game days, listening to same music on game day, and now we have wearing the same sweatshirt so that we do well on ACT Aspire 💙 Dragons do it all!
almost 2 years ago, Courtney Cristee
With spring here, and summer not far behind, it’s helpful to know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke and what do do when you encounter these conditions. Heat exhaustion is when your body overheats. Taking it a step further, heat stroke occurs when the body can no longer control its temperature: the body's temperature rises rapidly, the sweating mechanism fails, and the body is unable to cool down. Being prepared and catching these symptoms early could save a life.
almost 2 years ago, Megan Lindsey
stroke vs exhaust
One School - One Book: MES Video Recording for Day 17 of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This video link is of April Riggs, reading Day 17 : Chapter 20 - The Dainty China Country ; pgs. 265-276. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uF3JdZJjw-n8Hru40zf-7LSNKI-wOaLE/view?usp=sharing Happy Reading and Happy Listening!
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Voeller
Have a Wonderful Wednesday Dragons.
almost 2 years ago, Becky Dean
How Do You Train a Dragon? 7th and 8th graders are getting ready for ACT Aspire!
almost 2 years ago, Julie Ferguson