During parent teacher conferences, Mrs. Hays will be in her room ready to help any senior and their parent/guardian fill out the FAFSA. Remember, in order to attend any college and many trade schools, the FAFSA must be filled out. The FAFSA is great because your student may qualify for the Pell Grant which is up to $7,395 per year depending on income. To get started, you can go to studentaid.gov and create an account or log in.
about 10 hours ago, Hannah Hays
FAFSA night
There is always something to be thankful for. Be thankful today Dragons.
about 22 hours ago, Becky Dean
Our Chemistry students had a blast today. They learned all about science in action from glucose and citric acid combinations for fruit juices to Maillard reactions with browning foods to the production of chocolate from bean to bar. Seeing the 3D printer for chocolate was a favorite of theirs! They also spent time learning about future careers with a Food Science degree.
1 day ago, Courtney Cristee
Dragons, may your day be filled with fun & adventure!
2 days ago, Becky Dean
The Lady Dragons get their first win of the season over Union Christian!
2 days ago, Courtney Cristee
This graphic has more information about the upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences.
2 days ago, Misty Christian
PT Conf
Lots happening in the month of March at Mountainburg Public Schools
2 days ago, Misty Christian
Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up! Watch for information from each campus.
2 days ago, Misty Christian
PT Conferences
From the Desk of Mrs. Watkins
2 days ago, Misty Christian
From the Desk of Mrs. Walker
2 days ago, Misty Christian
It is Spring and that means Dragon Baseball and Lady Dragon Softball!
2 days ago, Misty Christian
There is ONE slot left on the roster for the Middle School Dragons Golf Program for 6th - 8th grade students. Link to register: https://forms.gle/S4kHRCXCJZTf5RDg9
2 days ago, Misty Christian
This coming weekend will mark the 35th Miss Mountainburg Pageant. It began in 1992 with Amy Smith Ortlieb being the first titleholder. It has expanded a great deal with scholarships and cash prizes. The pageant is also a fundraiser for the senior class each year. Come out on Friday night to support 31 young ladies, PK - 8th grade vying for the crown in their age division. The pageants will start at 6:00 PM each evening.
2 days ago, Misty Christian
FIRE Matrix Videos..... Coming soon from our Elementary Student Advisory Board !
2 days ago, Becky Dean
Today our seniors participated in Draft Day and interviewed for jobs! Over 40 employers in the River Valley are looking to hire recent graduates and this is our chance to get Mountainburg Seniors a foot in the door with great employers! Students were matched for interviews based on career interests and talents and were able to interview with 3 different companies. This is a great event we get to take our seniors to every year!
3 days ago, Hannah Hays
Senior Interview 3
Learning from J+H Automation Solutions
Senior Interview 4
Senior Interview 1
Senior Interview 2
Discovering career opportunities at Forsgren
Learning about the Water and Wastewater Industry
Learning about career opportunities at Trane
BASEBALL GAME LOCATON CHANGE: Due to a water leak at Ozark Mountain High School, the baseball game scheduled on Friday, March 14, will be played at the Harrison Sports Complex (Pippin Field) in Harrison, AR beginning at 4:00.
3 days ago, Misty Christian
Sports Update
Have a Terrific Tuesday Everyone. It's National Johnny Appleseed Day😊
3 days ago, Becky Dean
Attention Runners! Mountainburg Cheer will be sponsoring a 5K on May 10. Information is provided below.
4 days ago, Misty Christian
Information for 25-26 Cheer Tryouts is below. If you have any questions please contact Mary Hecox or Amber Ridenoure.
4 days ago, Misty Christian