Guidelines for non-district students who want to attend Mountainburg Public Schools

If you are a student who resides outside the Mountainburg Public Schools District but wants to attend one of our schools, you can do so by completing an Application for Transfer pursuant to Arkansas Statute 6-18-206 (Arkansas Public School of Choice Act of 2015). Submit a School Choice Application to the non-resident district, between January 1 and May 1.

Please submit the School Choice Application via email to or contact Rebecca at 479-369-4506 for assistance. Applications can be delivered in person to the Student Support Office located at Mountainburg Middle School, 129 Hwy 71 SW.  The application will be processed with parent notification within 15 days.

Transfers from Mountainburg to other districts should submit the Application to the non-resident school of choice.

Link to Application:

School Choice Application

For more information about School Choice: