With spring here, and summer not far behind, it’s helpful to know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke and what do do when you encounter these conditions. Heat exhaustion is when your body overheats. Taking it a step further, heat stroke occurs when the body can no longer control its temperature: the body's temperature rises rapidly, the sweating mechanism fails, and the body is unable to cool down. Being prepared and catching these symptoms early could save a life.

One School - One Book: MES Video Recording for Day 17 of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This video link is of April Riggs, reading Day 17 : Chapter 20 - The Dainty China Country ; pgs. 265-276. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uF3JdZJjw-n8Hru40zf-7LSNKI-wOaLE/view?usp=sharing
Happy Reading and Happy Listening!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday Dragons.

How Do You Train a Dragon? 7th and 8th graders are getting ready for ACT Aspire!

Day 17 Reading Reminder: The scheduled reading for Tuesday, April 18th is Chapter 20-The Dainty China Country on pages 265-276. Congratulations to our daily trivia winners! Happy reading!

9th and 10th graders worked really hard this morning. Next up is writing tomorrow morning.
Thursday we will have a whole school celebration. We are going to grill hot dogs and Kona Ice will be available for students to purchase snow cones!

Here are some test-taking tips for all families.

The image attached lists all the test times for Mountainburg Elementary School.

Project Reminder: We have multiple projects for students to choose from as our reading of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz comes to a close this week. Remember, these can be brought to school anytime between now and Friday the 21st. Happy crafting!

One School - One Book: MES Video Recording for Day 16 of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This video link is of Miss Mountainburg, Cheyanne Grace, reading Day 16 : Chapter 18 - Away to the South AND Chapter 19 - Attacked by the Fighting Trees ; pgs. 245-263. https://drive.google.com/file/d/18mnytNRi4YCFY5WnLaT1gUpKhc92r0Bm/view?usp=sharing
Happy Reading and Happy Listening!

Have a wonderful day Dragon Family.

We offer fun and engaging enrichment activities. Breakfast, lunch and a snack provided daily.
No fees for Mountainburg
Who can enroll? Students entering kindergarten through the 12th grades.
We will be open Monday through Friday 7:30am till 6:00 pm
Summer camp starts June 5th and ends August 4th
We will be closed the week of July 3rd through the 7th
We have 60 spots available!
How do I sign up? Click on the link

Monday, April 17, part of the class of 2023 participated in an activity called "Get Real."
MHS Alum, Shawnee Sorensen Tichenor with the Sebastian County Extension Service, came to campus and spoke to the students about finances and what we all do every month - pay bills. She introduced budgeting, but then she took them through the scenario of "real life" - buying or renting, transportation, monthly bills, insurance, taxes.
The remainder of the class of 2023 will go through the activity on Wednesday. Thank you Shawnee for returning to MHS to provide our seniors with the information and tools. It is about to "Get Real" for them!

Day 16 Reading Reminder: The scheduled reading for Monday, April 17th is Chapters 18-Away to the South, and 19-Attacked by the Fighting Trees on pages 245-263. Congratulations to the daily trivia winners! Happy reading!

Updated What's Happening in Dragon Nation -

Wrestling Team Information

One School - One Book: MES Video Recording for Day 15 of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This video link is of Kirstin Starr reading Day 15 : Chapter 16 - The Magic Art of the Great Humbug AND Chapter 17 - How the Balloon Was Launched ; pgs. 227-244.
Happy Reading and Happy Listening!

Happy Monday Dragons! Make today count! 😊

It is hard to believe that we are in the middle of April. Lots of end-of-year activities going on at each campus. A great way to keep up with what is happening is by reading the Dragon Weekly: https://www.smore.com/0azg9

Dragons what will you look for today? Have a great weekend.💛