Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)
The Gifted and Talented programs at Mountainburg Public Schools are built on a fundamental belief in serving the needs of all our students. Responding to the unique needs of each student is central to gifted education. We are committed to nurturing the joy of differentiated educational experiences. We believe that there are some children whose potential can be identified by above-average intellectual ability, task commitment, motivation, and creativity. We believe that students identified for gifted and talented education have special characteristics and learning styles and that their potential for accomplishment is such that they require special provisions, experiences, and services not provided for in the regular instructional program.
Students in grades K-2 are supported through enrichment programs while students in grades 3-6 receive weekly differentiated instruction. Seventh through twelfth grade identified gifted students are offered a differentiated curriculum in their secondary content classes while 11th and 12th graders have the option of enrolling in Advanced Placement classes. Other program options are available for students who require additional support.
Activities Supported by the Gifted and Talented Program
STEM curriculum (grades 3-6)
Creativity & Critical Thinking curriculum (3-6)
Chess Tournaments (grades 6-12)
College and Career Pathway Support (7th - 12th)
Webinars for student and educator professional development
G/T Coordinator meetings
If you know a student who displays exceptional academic and creative characteristics, we encourage you to consider nominating them for the MPS Gifted and Talented Program.
Amber Mihaila
MPS GATE Coordinator