The Jr.High and Varsity Dragon Cheer teams will be selling hot dogs this Saturday, September 2nd at Atwood's in Alma! They are fundraising for competition fees, cheer bags, and winter gear! Come out and support our teams and enjoy an easy lunch! They will be there 10:00-2:00!
over 1 year ago, Mary Hecox
THE DRAGONS WIN!!! Thank you Officer Peppas for letting the student section celebrate with the team on the field!
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Dragons win!! 26-20!
over 1 year ago, Courtney Cristee
FIRE PIT ON FIRE| The Fire Pit was on FIRE tonight!! Keep up the Dragon Spirit all season!!
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Dragons lead the Little Johns 20-6 at Halftime! Go Dragons!!
over 1 year ago, Courtney Cristee
Along with the Mountainburg School District the Boys and Girls Club will be closed on Monday the 4th for Labor Day.
over 1 year ago, Elora Nichols
labor day
ALOHA FOOTBALL '23!! MHS is ready for Friday Nights in Dragon Stadium. These seniors are here to remind you of some courtesies that can help football games go smoother.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
DRAGON GEAR| Dragon Gear orders will continue to be taken through Friday, September 8. You can order online or use the paper form that is going home with all elementary and middle school students today. Orders will be delivered to the school within two weeks after the order is sent in to Rock House Designs. Link to order online: We appreciate our parents and patrons supporting MHS Future Business Leaders of America and the publishing of the Dragon Yearbook.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Dragon Gear
Safety Matters: We strive to provide a safe, healthy environment. State laws prohibit tobacco, vaping, drugs, alcohol, or weapons. In accordance with law and policy, service animals are permitted for use by individuals on district property provided the animal is trained to provide specific work or tasks for the handler's disability, and the animal is under the control of its handler. The policy prohibits pets, therapy, emotional support, or comfort animals on campus.
over 1 year ago, Debbie Atwell
service animals
Officials Matter: According to AAA, we lost 38% of the certified sports officials across the state, following the pandemic, due to health concerns, stress, and other factors. We value our officials. They provide a critical service, and we can not operate without them. Officials are trained and certified. They are employed to provide a service in our house and should be treated with civility and respect. Please remember that they are members of our community too. They are mothers, fathers, and grandparents who give their time from their own families and work to travel from town to town to support our student-athletes. They love the sport and dedicate their time to helping our students achieve. They are humans too, and not exempt from mistakes. When mistakes do occur, please respond with grace and civility, and let our coaches, administrators, and officials do their jobs. Officials are hard to come by, and we can not play without them. If you have expertise and knowledge of officiating rules, a love of the game, and a spirit of service, we invite and encourage you to get certified and step into the role.
over 1 year ago, Debbie Atwell
What is Your life about? 💛
over 1 year ago, Becky Dean
Congratulations to the Junior Dragons with the win 38-6
over 1 year ago, Debbie Atwell
Junior Dragons lead at the half 30-0. Go Blue!
over 1 year ago, Debbie Atwell
ALL PARENTS AND GUARDIANS: Please send in the registration paperwork Friday, September 1 to the appropriate campus/campuses. The secretaries need to begin entering information into E-School. MHS PARENTS: If your senior son or daughter is running for homecoming king or maid, paperwork is due by the end of the day on Friday, September 1. Class dues need to be paid to Roger BEFORE paperwork is given to Mrs. Christian. TOMORROW is the last day that homecoming king or maid paperwork will be accepted. MHS PARENTS: Mrs. Cristee and Mrs. Christian have put together an informational letter about class dues, activities, and fundraising at MHS. Link to to the Letter: ALL DRAGON FANS: The theme for tomorrow is TROPICAL!! Dress up for school and especially if you are coming to the game! Aloha to Football '23!
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Important Info
Let's work together to build a culture of reading at MES!
over 1 year ago, Tandi Watkins
MES is building a culture of reading.
SPORTS SEASONS ARE BEGINNING| Dr. Atwell, Superintendent of Schools, has provided a letter to all Dragon fans as we get ready for the upcoming sports seasons. By keeping these 3 things in mind, sporting events and activities can happen without any major issues arising.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Letter from Dr A
Have a wonderful day Dragons! 😊
over 1 year ago, Becky Dean
END OF SUMMER| Labor Day typically marks the end of the summer even though the temperatures may not feel like it. We hope everyone enjoys the upcoming three-day weekend. School is in full swing!
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Labor Day
REQUIRED REGISTRATION PAPERWORK| Parents - It would be much appreciated if the required registration paperwork could be turned in by the end of the day on Friday, September 1. Campus secretaries need to get updated information entered. If you have any questions, please call the campus at which your child attends.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
K Colors