Don't forget WHITE OUT!!
Members of the military along with their families will be able to enter at no charge with proper military ID and driver's license presented at the gate. Refreshments will be available for military families in the north parking lot near the military vehicles.

GAME TIME CHANGE| Due to the excessive heat projected for the afternoon of Thursday, September 7, we are moving the start time for the football games back one hour. The 7th grade game will begin at 6:30 pm with the junior high game to follow 15 minutes after the conclusion of that game.

Shoutout to these two for positive referrals. Cheyenne Grace and River Baldwin helped clean up a mess on the floor outside of the office. Keep up the good work!

You can make a difference every day if you try!

Have a Terrific Tuesday Dragons😊

BATTLE FOR THE TREASURE CHEST| The week we all anticpate - Mountainburg vs Cedarville. It is time to bring the Treasure Chest home to MHS!!
Below is information for our fans that will be going to the game.

Happy Labor Day Dragons.

Everyone enjoy Labor Day!

CULTURE OF READING| Reading a book has taken a backseat to activities and cell phones. At Mountainburg Schools, we are working toward developing a Culture of Reading... and this starts at home. Below is a guide for parents with 4 simple tips that can help drive this at home.

ALOHA FOOTBALL '23| Seniors Jyme Hall and Cassidy Turner took the lead to have a pop-up pep rally on Friday, September 1. It was a great way to get the '23 Football Season started!

CRAWFORD COUNTY TREASURE CHEST| It is time that this comes back to MHS!

RIVALRY WEEK| The week the Dragons play the Cedarville Pirates is always a big week at both schools.
The traditional themes between the two schools is the home team has a black out and the visiting team has a white out. Since we are the visiting team for the Sr. High Game on Friday, Thursday's theme at the Jr. High Game that will be here is white out.

DRAGON WEEKLY| School is in full swing - learning, pre-testing, athletics, and activities. We are looking forward to a GREAT 23-24 school year!

Happy Sunday Dragons.

"We want a hot dog, we want a coke".... If you want a hot dog and a coke, come on out to Atwood's in Alma! Our cheer teams will be there until 2:00! We want to thank Atwood's for their support of our teams and school by providing these fundraiser opportunities!

Dragons may you have a wonderful weekend!

The Jr.High and Varsity Dragon Cheer teams will be selling hot dogs this Saturday, September 2nd at Atwood's in Alma! They are fundraising for competition fees, cheer bags, and winter gear! Come out and support our teams and enjoy an easy lunch! They will be there 10:00-2:00!

THE DRAGONS WIN!!! Thank you Officer Peppas for letting the student section celebrate with the team on the field!

Dragons win!! 26-20!

FIRE PIT ON FIRE| The Fire Pit was on FIRE tonight!! Keep up the Dragon Spirit all season!!