Dragons, how do You lead?
Happy Tuesday.😊

Mountainburg Elementary, it's time once again for our One School, One Book adventure! Books are coming home with students today. The scheduled reading for Day 1: Monday, March 27th is pp. 9-32, Chapter 1 The Cyclone and Chapter 2 The Council with the Munchkins. Happy reading!

Revised What's Happening in Dragon Nation - March 27, 2023
Baseball and Softball pictures for senior high teams will be on Friday, April 7 after school.

It's getting close for the PK - Kindergarten Round-Up at MES!!

Due to the threat of rain and severe weather on Friday, March 31, the baseball game scheduled against Subiaco on Friday has been moved. The baseball team will play at Subiaco on Wednesday, March 29 beginning at 4:00.

Welcome back Dragons!! See you all soon!

Welcome Back from Spring Break! The next two months will be busy with spring sports, testing, and end-of-year activities and celebrations. Find it all in the Dragon Weekly: https://www.smore.com/aqu3jx

What is happening this week...

Have a blessed Sunday Dragons.😊

Happy Friday Dragons! Hope you all have had a fun & relaxing break!

Thursday, March 23 - Friday, March 24: With the impending forecasts of storms in the area, the safe room will be open.
It is located at the north end of Dragon Stadium. It is adjacent to the Nolen-Harrell Field House.

Happy Spring Break Dragons!! Dragon Weekly - https://www.smore.com/4kzm0

Our MJH and MHS cheer teams for the 2023-2024 Season! Coach Hecox and Coach Ridenoure are so excited to work with this talented group of students! Go Dragons!

Dragons, we hope you all have a blessed break filled with family, fun & friends! 😊

The baseball game scheduled for Friday, March 17 (today) against Decatur has been canceled.

SOFTBALL GAME UPDATE: The softball game that was canceled on Thursday, March 16 has been rescheduled for WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5.

The political issues surrounding us are alarming, frustrating, and challenging.
I would change them if I could. But we can't control the event, only our response.
So I choose to be the best leader for the District I can possibly be with these actions:
Learning more every day about leadership, teaching, and learning; advocating with lawmakers and DESE; presenting data, information, and perspective about the impact of laws and rules on our District; thanking those who listen and understand; forgiving and working to establish trust and perspective with those who do not; collaborating with other leaders to solve problems we all face; building leadership capacity for every educator in our District;.
I am proud of the responses I see each day from our educators. In this week alone I have observed these actions: Teachers inviting other teachers into classrooms to observe effective instruction; Teachers empowering parents to support their students in literacy; Support staff scheduling students for intervention work; School Board recognizing seniors and their parents who earning industry career-ready credentials; Seniors participating in job searches and career drafting; Principals leading conversations of reflection and feedback; Teachers and principals learning and applying knowledge about cognitive levels of DOK and developing quality assessments; District and building leaders learning and planning for comprehensive vocabulary instruction across the district; District leaders learning and planning how to support and build capacity for building leadership teams.
Public Schools are not failing. This public school is not failing.
We are winning - day to day - educator by educator - student by student.
Don't let them tell you otherwise.
It is a lie and meant to discourage and distract us from our mission.
We LEAD from our space and change the outcomes.

March 16,2023 Mountainburg Elementary celebrated our perfect attendance students. Special Thanks to Mrs Tichenor for playing food group bingo with these students.

Happy Friday Dragons!

Friday, March 17, 3:30 PM - SPRING BREAK!!