Dragons may you find many things to be Thankful for on this day!
over 1 year ago, Becky Dean
Position Available - Mountainburg Public Schools is seeking applicants for SCHOOL NURSE. Join the Dragon Team to work in a collaborative role in our professional learning community as we ensure high levels of learning for all students. Qualified applicants shall hold an LPN or RN License. The position is a 180-day contract for 7.5-hour days. Salary range: $18,802 - $20,650 for LPN or $26,981-$30,509 for RN 23-24 school year. The position is a 180-day 7.5-hour contract with a salary paid in monthly installments. The contract will be prorated for the remaining work days after the starting date. Benefits include eligibility to purchase teacher health insurance with a $234.50 monthly district match, a 15% teacher retirement contribution, and 9 days of sick leave and 2 days of personal leave annually. For applications visit https://www.mountainburg.org/ Applications are available on the APPLICATIONS PAGE. Please save this application and then email it, along with the other supporting documents to: hrapplications@mountainburg.org If email is not available, please send all documents to Superintendent – Mountainburg Public Schools 129 Hwy 71 SW Mountainburg, AR 72946 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER—The Mountainburg School District does not discriminate in employment and education practices relative to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or disability.
over 1 year ago, Debbie Atwell
Mountainburg Public Schools seeks qualified applicants for the following positions: Bus Route Driver: Qualified applicants will hold a Class B CDL with P&S endorsement The contract is 180 days with a salary range of $11,435-$13,283. 23-24 school year. The position is a 180-day contract with a starting salary of $11,435 paid in 12 installments. The contract will be prorated for the remaining work days after starting date. Benefits include eligibility to purchase teacher health insurance with a $234.50 monthly district match, a 15% teacher retirement contribution, and sick leave. Substitute trip drivers and route drivers are needed as well. For applications visit https://www.mountainburg.org/ Applications are available on the APPLICATIONS PAGE. Please save this application and then email it, along with the other supporting documents to: hrapplications@mountainburg.org If email is not available, please send all documents to Superintendent – Mountainburg Public Schools 129 Hwy 71 SW Mountainburg, AR 72946 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER—The Mountainburg School District does not discriminate in employment and education practices relative to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or disability.
over 1 year ago, Debbie Atwell
Welcome to Wednesday. Make today count Dragons!
over 1 year ago, Becky Dean
Mountainburg Public Schools is seeking a long term substitute for Band/Music program. For details please call MHS 479-369-2121
over 1 year ago, Debbie Atwell
REGISTRATION FORMS & PAPERWORK| MS-HS Parents: Please check the packet of forms that has been sent home with your student. On top is a printout of the registration information that was in the system last year. Make any needed corrections on this form. We are asking that these forms be returned by Friday, August 25. These forms also determine if a student can participate/attend in athletics, clubs, be a homecoming maid, pageant, and prom. If you have any questions please call the MMS Office - 479-369-4506 or the MHS Office - 479-369-2146. Thank you for your prompt attention to this.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Just a Reminder
Thank you US Representative Steve Womack for taking the time to visit MHS and for speaking to our seniors and the students in Civics classes. It was an honor to have you on our campus.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Have a great Tuesday Dragons.
over 1 year ago, Becky Dean
REP. STEVE WOMACK| Rep. Womack will be visiting MHS on Tuesday, August 22. The seniors and students enrolled in a Civics course will be attending. WHAT: Speaking at Mountainburg High School WHEN: Tuesday, August 22, 2023, 9:00AM – 10:00AM CT WHERE: Mountainburg High School (129 Highway 71 South, Mountainburg, AR 72946) DETAILS: Rep. Womack will speak to an assembly of seniors and civics students.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
LITTLE LEAGUE CHEER| 5th and 6th grade Cheer practice will be Thursday Aug 24th at 3:30 at the elementary school. Please welcome Coach Adi Gould and thank her for stepping up to help our 5th and 6th grade Little League Cheer team! Who better to coach than a high school cheerleader? Thank you, Adi!
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
DRAGON WEEKLY| It was a GREAT first week of school for 23-24! Keep up with what is going on at MPS in the Dragon Weekly: https://www.smore.com/76z3d
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
MHS SUPERHERO| Warren Watkins is ready to have an awesome senior year!! He provided a lot of enthusiasm for the first week starting Tuesday, Seniors' first day back - don't dare a country boy to drive a tractor to school - it will probably happen. Then he finished off the week as our very own superheros - Batman and Clark Kent - a.k.a. Super Man. Special thanks to Warren and his mom, Kristi, for providing the seniors with a Senior Survival package. Way to Go Warren!!
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Hello Dragon families😊 The temperature will be extremely hot this week. Please stay hydrated & encourage your Dragons to drink plenty of water. Send a water bottle with them to school to help keep them hydrated!
over 1 year ago, Becky Dean
5th and 6th grade Cheer practice will be Thursday Aug 24th at 3:30 at the elementary school. Please welcome Coach Adi Gould and thank her for stepping up to help our 5th and 6th grade Little League Cheer team! Who better to coach than a high school cheerleader? Thank you, Adi! We will have our Little League Football jamboree beginning at 9am Saturday morning at Mountainburg. All teams in our League will be participating. This will last until 4:30 Saturday afternoon. Cheerleaders have Saturday off! Please notify Mrs Dennis with any questions!
over 1 year ago, Debbie Atwell
FOOTBALL GAME| We just learned that there will NOT be any concessions at the game.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
REMINDER: The first Cross Country practice of the season will be this Monday the 21st after school. We will meet in the Middle School Gym @ 3:45. Any students grades 7-12 we would love to have you. This will be followed by a short parent meeting @ 5 PM.
over 1 year ago, Zachary Kearney
FOOTBALL GAME| If you are headed to Hendrix College tonight to watch the Dragons, a map is below indicating where to park. **Concessions will be available.**
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
It's a Great day, for a GREAT DAY 😊
over 1 year ago, Becky Dean
LITTLE LEAGUE FOOTBALL SCHEDULE| Below is the 2023 Little League Football Schedule.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
LLF Schedule
ROOMS| Welcome to all the parents who have joined Rooms!! If you haven't joined yet, please watch your email on Friday, August 18 at 10AM and 2PM for an email inviting you to join Rooms. If you joined Rooms last year, you don't need to do anything. Below is a short video showing you how to use this communication tool so that you are in contact with your child's teachers. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRpFcF4ejx0
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Important Info