The Dragons with the W over Lavaca ... 4-3! Dragons will face Hackett in non-conference play tomorrow at home against Hackett. Last on thw schedule will be a road trip to Acorn on Thursday
over 3 years ago, Misty Christian
Have a wonderful day Dragon Family 😁
over 3 years ago, Becky Dean
positive thought
It's the Dragon Weekly!
over 3 years ago, Misty Christian
Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure. —Oprah Winfrey Have a great day Dragons!
over 3 years ago, Becky Dean
over 3 years ago, Debbie Atwell
Have a great weekend Dragons 😁
over 3 years ago, Becky Dean
positive thought
The elementary finished reading Gooseberry Park last night and students displayed their home/school connection projects today. The projects were awesome! The elementary staff voted on their favorites: Most Creative Project - Bryar Watkins, Best Effort Project - Dhaeli Pense, Wow Factor Project - Carlee Fryar. Thank you to all the families who participated in the reading of Gooseberry Park and created projects. Keep reading!
over 3 years ago, Tracey Earnhart
Project Winners
Viewing Class Projects
Good Luck to the FFA Forestry Team: Competing at State Contest
over 3 years ago, Jim Hall
What can you imagine today Dragons?
over 3 years ago, Becky Dean
positive thought
Hello, Readers! Well, tonight we read our final two chapters of Gooseberry Park. Nurse Amy's video of Chapter 17 has been added to the folder as well as my video of the final chapters - 18 & 19. We appreciate everyone's participation in this community project of reading such a wonderful story, Gooseberry Park - written by Cynthia Rylant.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Voeller
Dragons win in Magazine 17-0! Come to Dragon Field on Monday, April 19, 4:00 to support the Dragons against Lavaca!
over 3 years ago, Misty Christian
Gooseberry Park Home/School Connection Projects are due Friday morning (tomorrow, the 16th). All projects will be on display for the elementary school to view Friday afternoon. Pictured is a fabulous example of one of the project that has been turned in today!
over 3 years ago, Tracey Earnhart
Home School Connection Project
Have a great day Dragons! 😁
over 3 years ago, Becky Dean
positive thought
This is Who We Are!
over 3 years ago, Misty Christian
Hello, Readers! Thank you to Wendy and Katie for reading as guest readers yesterday! Their videos have now been added to the folder. Tonight's chapter is # 17, and Nurse Amy will be the guest reader for this chapter video which will be added to the folder tomorrow.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Voeller
Being a part of a campus organization/team is important to so many students. Often times, there are fees and other expenses with these organizations. The sponsors work hard to do fundraisers to help parents and students to not have to pay so much out-of-pocket. Your support is greatly appreciated. Support the 21-22 Dragon Cheerleaders by purchasing a Dragon Discount Card. The MHS E-Sports Team is also having a fundraiser to help pay for registration fees.
over 3 years ago, Misty Christian
Discount Cards
E-Sports Fundraiser
Have a great day Dragons 😁
over 3 years ago, Becky Dean
positive thought
MHS is bring back the E-Sports Team! You can help them out by supporting their fundraiser.
over 3 years ago, Misty Christian
E-Sports Fundraiser
• Order the 2021 Dragon Yearbook TODAY! • Personalized books must be ordered by April 16. • Non-personalized books can be ordered through May 15. • Go to: to order your yearbook.
over 3 years ago, Amanda West
Hello, Readers! Today's Chapters 13 & 14 Video of Laurel Hyman reading as our guest reader has been added to the folder - Read Chapters 15 & 16 tonight and tomorrow we'll listen to Wendy Gaston and Katie Donovan from the Mountainburg Family Clinic read those chapters, and their videos will be added to the folder tomorrow as well. Happy Reading!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Voeller