May all your Dreams come true Dragons😊
Dragons win 67 to 43!
SR Dragons lead 23 to 13 at the end of the first Q.
Lady Dragons lead 20 to 7 at Magazine at halftime
Jr boys win 43 to 35 at Magazine! Go blue!
Jr Boys lead Magazine at halftime 19 to 18
The Dragons and Lady Dragons will be in action December 28 - 30 in the 2021 Bank OZK Classic at Ozark High School. The tournament brackets are below.
Just a reminder~ The COVID Vaccine Clinic for ages 5-11 will be held in the Mountainburg Elementary Gymnasium tomorrow ~ Friday, December 17th ~ beginning at 8:30 a.m. This clinic will be open only long enough to give those registered their vaccines and be monitored for 15 minutes following the injection. The clinic will close at approximately 9:30 a.m. If you have not registered and would like your child (in this age group) to receive the vaccine, please contact either Nurse Amy @ 369-2762 or Nurse Amber @ 369-4400.
Happy Thursday Dragon Family ❤️
The 7th grade games scheduled in Lavaca for Wednesday, December 15 have been postponed. Plans are to reschedule those games at a later date.
Have a great day Dragons 😊
8th grade Dragons with the win over Northridge 53-33!!
8th grade boys leading at the half against Northridge 29-16!!
Final score 8th grade girls:
Lady Dragons 15
Northridge 16
8th grade girls score:
Lady Dragons 6
Northridge 13
7th grade boys final score:
Dragons 5
Northridge 36
7th grade boys halftime score:
Dragons 4
Northridge 25
Final score for 7th grade girls:
Lady Dragons 10
Northridge 11
7th grade Lady Dragons vs. Northridge halftime score: 6-2 Northridge.
Here is a simple and great way to help out the Salvation Army this year.
Please read the information below for Sock It to 'Em at the Northridge vs Mountainburg basketball games tonight.
**Make sure to read the time of when you can toss the socks onto the court. This is meant for a charitable cause, not to cause problems during the game.**