Dragon Basketball Camp! This is for students entering Kindergarten - 5th grade. Registration is due on or before May 27.
Flyers were sent home last Friday, April 29 with students.
Contact Coach Paige Jones with questions - paige.jones@mountainburg.org.
Happy Monday Dragons!
MES students love the recent playground improvements; three new pieces of equipment, resurfaced court and new goals, new fall zones and mulch. These projects were made possible through partnerships with Joint Usage Grant for $30,000 plus funds from the elementary PTO, elementary activity funds, and ARMAC funds. Dragons at play 💙
Congratulations to our very talented choir and band performers for a great concert this afternoon! Special thank you to directors Vanzandt, Warren, and Montgomery for your work and leadership to grow and develop each of our talented Dragons 💙
The MES P.T.O. appreciates everyone that attended or somehow helped make our Basket BINGO Bash a huge success! We drew the names of the winners for each basket on Friday night. Those that were not present may get their basket in the morning, either at parent drop-off - or parents may need to arrange to pick them up at their convenience...the baskets are rather large and heavy! The winners that will need to do this yet are the following: Haiden Williams (Dinosaur Basket) and Camyre Blair (Family Game Night). Dixon Polly (Upper Elementary Readers), Easton Gregory (Sports Basket), Khloe Johnson (Art Basket), Eyeleigh Carr (Puzzle Basket), Brady Smiley ) Movie Night), Abby Severson (Fidgets), and Barrett Kolby (Fun in the Sun). Other winners that have already taken home their baskets include Hadley Morrow (Family Game Night), Jasper Sheppard (Lower Elem. Readers & Toy basket), Morgan Hopwood (Toy Basket), and Jake Parette (Chocolate Basket).
It is May 1! There is a lot happening at Mountainburg Schools during this final month of the 21-22 school year - Dragon Weekly: https://www.smore.com/82ydr
Have a wonderful weekend Dragon Family 😊.
Lots of fun happening at Mountainburg Elementary Bingo Bash. We are playing Bingo till 9:00. Come out & support our kids!
SHOUT OUT!!! Brady Prothro, Chase Vancil, and Hunter Vanderford obtained their Microsoft Office Specialist Certification in PowerPoint!
Each of these students has now received certifications in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Microsoft recognizes them as Microsoft Office Specialist - Associate.
Congratulations to these students!!
Choose Blue - Mountainburg Schools: Deadline to file School Choice is May 1
Only 5 spots remain in our Pre-K Class of 2022-2023! If you are interested in having your child participate in our amazing program, please call 479-369-2762 for more information or come by the Elementary Office for an application. If you have an application and this time & have not returned it, please do so as soon as possible. Spots are filled on a first come first served basis. Remember: Applications will not be processed without proof of income.
EVERYONE is invited to come play BINGO, win great prizes, buy tickets for your favorite Baskets and hope to win, eat concessions, and have lots of fun with friends and family! Hope to see everyone there! (The doors nearest the bus barn at the top of the ramp will be open at 5:00.)
May means concerts and banquets. The Band of Dragons, Beginning Band, and the Choir will be performing their spring concert on Sunday, May 1, 3:00 PM, Carl D. Rogers Gymnasium.
Happy Friday Dragons!
Super heroes 💙
Middle School activities!
Love our Dragon💙Strong teachers!
Join our CTE team teaching Foods Production and FACS!
Congratulations to these Seniors for maintaining a 3.75 cumulative GPA! Dragon 💙Strong!
Congratulations to these Dragon scholars recognized for their academic achievement with a 3.25 GPA over the last three semesters.
Each honoree was presented with a certificate and an academic lapel pin to commemorate this achievement.