Students and teachers at MHS are getting prepared for the 2023 ACT Aspire Test that will be in April!

Edible Mining? Check it out!

Shout Out to the 6 MHS FBLA members for qualifying for state competition!

The 42 MHS seniors listed on the graphic have achieved their National Career Readiness Certification! They will be recognized on Monday, March 13 at the monthly board meeting.
To learn about the value of the NCRC, please visit the Arkansas ACT Work Ready page: https://www.workreadycommunities.org/AR

Students hear it all the time - "It is important to be in school." We understand that situations arise that warrant a student to be out of school.
Absences add up not only in number of days missed, but more importantly the amount of instruction and learning that students miss out.
Attendance = Success!

Spring Break isn't too far away!

Tuesday, March 7: In the event that stormy weather rolls through later tonight, the safe room will be unlocked.

Pre-K & Kindergarten Roundup is coming soon! Bring your littles to meet the teachers, see the campus & make fun crafts! Our round up will be held on Thursday, April 27th from 4:30pm-6:30pm & on Friday, April 28th from 8am-11am. To register for kindergarten you will need to be 5 before August 1st, 2023, have proof of residency, birth certificate, social security card, a wellness check & current immunizations. Pre-K applicants must be 3 or 4 before August 1st, 2023. Placement is based on income. First come first served basis. Current immunizations & physicals are required as well as birth certificate & social security card. Applications are available at the MES office as well as on our webpage. For more information, please contact Amy Allen @ 479-369-2762.

Make today count Dragons!

Dragons are up 15-0 against Cedarville in the 5th inning.

MHS student Warren Watkins shared a read aloud with 3rd grade students. We love that he helps promote a culture of literacy at MES!

Dragons had a lot of Seuss Fun last week!

Happy Monday Dragons!

What's in Happening in Dragon Nation, March 6 - 11, Take 2 (some revisions were made).

It is time for the Dragon Weekly! A lot of great things happening in the classrooms across all campuses - https://www.smore.com/px862j

What is Happening in Dragon Nation this week?

What are you standing for today?

The middle school Maquerade Dance is today! Students only, grades 5th-8th. Doors open at 6:00. Students will not be allowed outside until picked up by a parent at the gym doors. $5 admission. $3 Polaroid mini picture. Concessions $1-$2 each. Mask face paint $5 or wear your own.

Cindy Loo Who came to school to celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday. We had a great time!!

Have a great weekend Dragons! Good luck to all the Little League teams playing in the championship today.