One School - One Book: MES Video Recording for Day 14 of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This video link is of Courtney Cristee reading Day 14 : Chapter 15- The Discovery of Oz, the Terrible ; pgs. 209-225. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Sl5HSI1SIsP5X_YiLc-aZB6HvCDH2mVI/view?usp=sharing
Happy Reading and Happy Listening!

Happy Friday Dragons.😊

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz project letter went home today! Projects can be brought to school starting on Tuesday the 18th of next week. Judging, class project walks, and announcing of winners will be on Friday the 21st. We encourage everyone to participate!

Day 14 Reading Reminder: The scheduled reading for Thursday, April 13th is Chapter 15-The Discovery of Oz, the Terrible on pages 209-225. Congratulations to the daily trivia winners! Happy reading.

Join Our Team! Choose Blue!

We will provide academic enrichment activities and daily physical activities that are challenging and fun. We will also offer a week long art camp.
Are there fees?
No fees for Mountainburg 😀
Age limits?
Students going into kindergarten through 12th grade.
What are the hours and dates?
7:30 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Friday. Start date June 5th end date August 4th. Closed July 3rd through 7th.
Breakfast, lunch and snack served daily. 60 spots left!
How can I enroll?

Thursday, April 13: The HOME game vs. Union Christian will start at 4:30 instead of 4:00.

We're down to 3 instructional days before the ACT Aspire! Please encourage your student to do their best! Some helpful tips: read each question carefully, double check your answers, and take your time.

One School - One Book: MES Video Recording for Day 13 of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This video link is of Julie Ferguson reading Day 13 : Chapter 14- The Winged Monkeys ; pgs. 195-207. https://drive.google.com/file/d/10sc5EiXoja2kZR0OoKv5mhcx76LAQpPZ/view?usp=sharing
Happy Reading and Happy Listening!

Happy Thursday Dragons!

Day 13 Reading Reminder: The scheduled reading for Wednesday, April 12th is Chapter 14-The Winged Monkeys on pages 195-207. Congratulations to our daily trivia winners! Happy reading.

Congratulations to Blake Foley and Austin Cooper. Completed their Ag Mechanics Woodworking project. Adirondack Chair. Found the plan . Figured the materials needed and then put it all together.

4 days until ACT Aspire for 9th and 10th grade! We have been preparing all year and now we get to show what we know! Dragons, do your best on the test!

One School - One Book: MES Video Recording for Day 12 of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. This video link is of Cashlyn Arnold reading Day 12 : Chapter 13- The Rescue ; pgs. 185-194. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dppr68uUHgY_NSegj7nS14MWR_TTpkXo/view?usp=sharing
Happy Reading and Happy Listening!

Hypoglycemia happens when the level of sugar (glucose) in your blood drops below the range that’s healthy for you. It’s also called low blood sugar or low blood glucose. Hypoglycemia is common in people with diabetes, especially type 1 diabetes. Hypoglycemia requires immediate treatment by eating or drinking sugar/carbohydrates. Severe hypoglycemia can be life-threatening and requires treatment with emergency glucagon and/or medical intervention. Here's what to watch for and how to help.

School choice deadline is May 1, 2023. For more information please call

What will you Learn today Dragons?

Mrs. Walker modeled 6th grade narrative writing instruction earlier this week. We are so thankful for the support of our instructional facilitators.

Day 12 Reading Reminder: The scheduled reading for Tuesday, April 11th is chapter 13-The Rescue on pages 185-194. Happy reading!

Serious or silly, we will still congratulate Mrs. Severson's class on winning the Readers Showcase today. Thanks for reading!