BOGO Book Fair

Test Times!

Graduation Information

End of Year Concert...

Happy Principal's Day!

Happy Monday May 1, 2023. May you have a meaningful May Dragon Family.

Where did April go? It is already May which means 4 weeks of school left - very busy weeks! Keep up with what is happening at MPS through the Dragon Weekly: https://www.smore.com/wm2h7

We had such a fun and successful Basket BINGO Bash this past Friday night at the MES. We appreciate everyone who helped support this event in some way; either through donations, working at the event, and/or attending and supporting the BINGO games, baskets, silent auctions, and concession sales. All of the proceeds support the MES PTO in our endeavors to provide so many activities, projects, and events. We thank you!!! AND NOW FOR THE LINE-UP OF BASKET WINNERS!!! Art Basket-Jennings Backus, Chocolate Basket-Leon Moore, Toy(1) Basket- Gracelynn Lindsey, Toy (2) Basket- Josie Arnold, Fun-in-the-Sun Basket- Journey Parvin, K-1 Library Basket-Rosa Nordin, 2-4 Library Basket- Kilian Griffin, Fidgets/Puzzles Basket- Jayson Collins, Music Basket-Arabella Davis, PE Basket and Movie Night Basket-Ryker Espinoza, and Family Game Night Basket-Bryar Watkins! Congratulations to all of these students!!! We greatly appreciate all who helped donate items for these wonderful baskets! ( Parents of these winners....could you arrange to pick these baskets up tomorrow? They are too big for the bus! lol)

Hope your weekend is wonderful Dragons.

Congratulations to our 2A-4 Track Coach of the Year - Zach Inthisone

Congratulations to our 2A-4 District Runner ups - Mountainburg Lady Dragons

Congratulations to our 2A-4 District Champions - Mountainburg Dragons

District Track Meet result
Girls 3200 meter run
Olivia Prothro - 3rd place
Boys 3200 meter run
Jaxon Moore - 1st place
Shay Pixley - 2nd place
Kyle Reynolds - 6th place
Trey Shaffer - 8th place
Girls 4x400 meter relay - 2nd place
Boys 4x400 meter relay - 1st place

District Track Meet results
Girls 800 meter run
Olivia Prothro - 1st place
Boys 800 meter run
Shay Pixley - 1st place
Jaxon Moore - 3rd place
Warren Watkins - 4th place
Girls 200 meter run
Mallory Provence - 3rd place
Boys 200 meter run
Ryan Allen - 7th place

District Track Meet results
Boys 100 meter run
Ryan Allen - 6th
Girls 400 meter run
Alisha Linder - 2nd place
Camdalynn McCaslin - 5th place
Boys 400 meter run
Warren Watkins - 1st place
Garrett Jones - 7th place
Girls 300 meter hurdles
Mallory Provence - 3rd place
Alisha Linder - 4th place
Boys 300 meter hurdles
Tarin Preston - 1st place
Ethan Becker - 3rd place

District Track Meet results
Girls 1600 meter run
Olivia Prothro - 2nd place
Boys 1600 meter run
Shay Pixley - 1st place
Lane Biery - 5th place
Bobby Dean - 6th place
Kyle Reynolds - 7th place
Girls 4x100 meter run - 2nd place

District Track Meet results
Girls 100 meter run
JoAnne Bell - 6th
Camdalynn McCaslin - 5th
Girls 4x200 meter run - 1st place
Boys 4x200 meter run - 3rd place

District Track Meet results
Girls 110 Meter Hurdles
Kaitlyn Beauford - 4th place
JoAnne Bell - 5th place
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
Tarin Preston - 1st place
Ethan Becker - 5th place

District Track Meet results....
Girls High Jump
Alisha Linder - 3rd Place
Kaitlyn Beauford - 6th Place
Camdalynn McCaslin - 8th place
Girls 4x800 meter relay - 3rd Place
Boys 4x800 meter relay - 2nd Place

District Track Meet results
Boys Discus
Warren Watkins - 1st Place
Bobby Dean - 4th Place