Good morning Dragons. Are you Happy 😊 or miserable 😖 today?

Mountainburg Elementary had a visit with Mrs Tristan from the Cooperative Extension Snap Education program. Mrs. Tristan brought her blender bike & taught the students and teachers a lesson on eating healthy. Everyone got a sample of the smoothie they made by "pedal power!"

MES celebrated 117 students for 4th nine weeks good and perfect attendance. Hope you enjoyed your well deserved treat! Special thanks to Sheryl Bates, Elisa Seratt, Amy Howard & Shauna Marion for helping pass out sprinkles & toppings.🍦🍨

Congratulations to Lexie Holt and Cassidy Turner. Completed their Canopy Dog Bed for their Ag Mechanics woodworking project.

Happy Monday Dragons😊

The last week of the 22-23 school year has arrived! Friday, May 26 will mark the final day. There are activities happening at the elementary plus lots of recognition has taken place at MMSBA and MHS. Check it all out in the Dragon Weekly: https://www.smore.com/seahx

Have a great weekend Dragons. 😊

Link to the Livestream on YouTube:

GRADUATION: With graduation being held in Carl D. Rogers Gymnasium, we will livestream it. Please use the link below to access.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/@mountainburgdragonathletic6346

We will have the livestream up through the Dragons Athletics YouTube Channel, but we also plan to provide Facebook Live on the Mountainburg Schools Facebook page of the 2023 graduation.

Seniors who made a 27 or higher on the ACT will have their name added to the 27-Up Club but in addition, they also received $100 from an anonymous donor.
Congratulations to these two 2023 Seniors, Michelle Cluck and Sonja Burnett.

This morning we celebrated at MHS with our "M" Awards and other recognitions.

Tonight, 47 Seniors will walk through Carl D. Rogers Gymnasium and receive their diploma in celebration of their academic accomplishments.
Graduation 2023 is almost here. There are so many people who have a hand in getting us ready for graduation and I can't thank them enough! See you tonight at 7:30.
Congratulations, CLASS OF 2023!
--Mrs. Cristee

Today at the M Awards Assembly, Mrs. Christian recognized the 2023 Mr. and Miss MHS. These two seniors are selected by the faculty and staff each year. To be a nominee, the senior must have a cumulative 3.25 GPA at the end of the fall semester of their senior year.
The staff was asked to consider the senior that represents the DRAGONS:
Determined to do their best.
Respectful toward others.
Appreciative of what they have been given.
Genuine in their words and actions
Open-minded to new challenges and to the views of others.
Nice to those around them. Works to include others.
Our 2023 Mr. and Miss MHS are Blake Foley and Emilee Preston.

Today at the M Awards Assembly, Mrs. Vanzandt recognized a senior as the recipient of the Governor's Award for Musical Excellence, Joseline Lee. She is 1 of 100 students who were selected for this award.
Nomination and selection is based on Musicianship, Teamwork, Dedication, Character, and Attitude.
Congratulations Joseline!

Happy Friday Dragons!

The Mountainburg Athletic Dept. would like to send a huge thank you to the Dragon Athletics Booster Club.
At the 2023 Varsity Athletic Banquet, Coach Dean was presented with a check for $6000 to go toward the purchase of new football jerseys.
Pictured with Coach Dean are Dustin Biery, Booster Club President, and officers Mira Cowett, Kara Blair, and Hailey Quinalty.
We are fortunate to have this type of support in our community.

GRADUATION: With graduation being held in Carl D. Rogers Gymnasium, we will livestream it. Please use the link below to access.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/@mountainburgdragonathletic6346

Parents, sharing this information with you so you are able to assist with safety, well-being, and supervision of our youth before and after school hours and events. -Dr. Atwell

Have a thankful Thursday Dragons.😊