FOOTBALL GAME UPDATE| Attn: SH Football Players, Parents, and Fans Venue Change: The scrimmage game versus Baptist Prep will be this coming Friday, August 18 beginning at 7:00 pm at HENDRIX COLLEGE in Conway.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Happy Sunday Dragons. Hope your week gets started Great!
over 1 year ago, Becky Dean
Thank you to everyone who attended open house last night at MMSBA and MHS! It was wonderful to see so many students and parents! Thank you to the Booster Club for organizing our first Meet the Dragons event! It was hot and you all were rockstars! It was so fun to be able to recognize all of our sports teams. Together, we will make 2023-2024 the best year yet! Go Dragons!
over 1 year ago, Courtney Cristee
MMS/MHS OPEN HOUSE| We are ready to see our students!! Here are a few things to keep in mind when you arrive on your campus: *MMSBA Students will pick up their schedules at MMSBA *MHS Students will pick up their schedules at MHS *MHS Students - Schedule changes will not be made during Open House. Mrs. Bradley will have a form available for you to complete and turn in. She will begin this process next week. We hope to see a lot of parents and students this afternoon - then come on down to Dragon Stadium for Meet the Dragons 2023!
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
LITTLE LEAGUE CHEER| Parents of little league cheer: if you are available, please have your cheerleader at Meet the Dragons at the football field at 6:30. -Ms. Lyndsie Carr
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Parents, do you want more two-communication between you and your child's teachers? Say hello to parent-teacher chat and classroom announcements in the Mountainburg app. Now it’s easier than ever to stay up-to-date with the district, schools, AND with your student’s teachers and classes. Parents and guardians will soon receive instructions via email to create their login to access Rooms within the district app. DRAGONSLINK APP: Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Parent-Teacher Chat
Happy Friday! What can you do today to make a difference, Dragons?
over 1 year ago, Becky Dean
Let's try this again...We can't wait to see you tomorrow! Check out the video from Mrs. Walker, Assistant Principal at MMS and Mrs. Cristee, Principal @ MHS.
over 1 year ago, Courtney Cristee
MMS and MHS Open House is tomorrow and we can't wait to see you!!
over 1 year ago, Courtney Cristee
***This is for all 7th - 12th grade athletes in all sports*** PARENT MEETING| The Mountainburg Athletic Department will hold a Parent Meeting for parents/guardians of 7th - 12th grade athletes. Friday, August 11 @ 5:30, MHS Cafeteria
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Important Info
Happy Thursday. Hope to see all the elementary students at open house.
over 1 year ago, Becky Dean
LITTLE LEAGUE FOOTBALL| Mrs. Dennis is planning ahead for the 2023 Little League Football Homecoming on Saturday, October 7. Items are needed to be raffled off. If you can make a donation, please contact her at
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
LLF Fundraising
STORM SHELTER| August 9, 2023: The storm shelter will be open tonight in the event the weather turns severe. The shelter is located at the north end of the football field adjacent to the Nolen-Harrell Field House.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Important Info
You are invited to the MES Open House tomorrow, August 10th, 2-6 p.m.!
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Voeller
OPEN HOUSE AT MES (Elementary) is Thursday, August 10th. Doors will open at 2:00 pm. and we will be meeting students until 6:00pm. Drop in , visit your classrooms and meet your teachers! You are welcome to bring your school supplies to open house as well. Kindergarten parents are welcome to visit during the open house hours to tour the school and classrooms. There will be an informative meeting with Kindergarten teachers at 5:00 pm in the gym, where we can answer any questions that you might have about the new school year. We look forward to seeing you soon!
over 1 year ago, Tandi Watkins
Thursday, August 10,  2023
DRAGONSLINK APP| Be sure to download the DragonsLink App if you haven't. This is a great tool that updates anytime certain items are updated on the website. It is quick and easy and always in your hand. Our two-way communication tool, ROOMS, can also be accessed through the app.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Dragons have a wonderful Wednesday.
over 1 year ago, Becky Dean
The last graphic posted had the incorrect time. Meet the Dragons will start at 6:30 PM on August 11.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Meet the Dragons
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Cheer Practice
LITTLE LEAGUE FOOTBALL| Mrs. Dennis is asking that registrations be taken care as soon as possible. Links to pay online: Football Individual: Football Family: Cheer Pom Fee: Cheer Fee Family: Cheer Fee Individual:
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
important info