Building leadership teams are engaging in professional learning as they work to understand the Assessment Literacy Framework to explore assessments as a means to increase hope, efficacy, and achievement for learners and teachers alike. Dragon💙Strong

MMSBA STUDENT COUNCIL| Congratulations to these MMSBA students who form the 23-24 Student Council!


Celebrating all things at MES!! She was so proud of herself for learning how to open her chocolate milk❤️ It is a big accomplishment!

Below are photos from yesterday's golf match with West Fork and JC Westside at Winn Mountain. McKenzie Frazier had the lowest score for female golfers (40) and Bryson Quinalty had the lowest score for the male golfers (42). The Dragons and Lady Dragons golf teams both finished 1st!
The teams are preparing to head to the district golf match in Booneville on Wednesday, September 13. Good Luck Golfers!

Shoutout to Clara Hibbard for always having a positive attitude and a willingness to help out during class. Keep up the good work!

James Candelaria, with Kevin Clifton Real Estate, wants to congratulate Jayden Murphy, our Pro Player of the Week! He played a hard fought game to bring home the Treasure Chest with a win over Cedarville!
Congratulations to Jayden, the coaches, and the Dragons on a fantastic win!

WORKING TOGETHER| Parents of MHS Students - We are asking for your assistance with something.
While cell phones are a quick means of communication for you to get in touch with your student, we ask that you call the high school office if you need to check your student out or if you need to get a message to them.
When a student is aware that they are getting a phone call or a text, they immediately want to get it out of their pocket or their bag.
Students have the opportunity to check their phones between classes and at lunch.
Thank you for your understanding and assistance with this.

Happy Tuesday Dragons😊

TAILGATE PARTY| Come join the fun before the game against Yellville-Summit! This game will start conference play. Let's get behind our Dragons in 2023!

Good morning MES families. This is a reminder that our GRANDPARENTS ICE CREAM SOCIAL has been CHANGED. It was scheduled for today, but due to conflicting schedules it has been changed to September 22,2023.
We hope grandparents of Dragons can join us on September 22,2023.

May we always remember this day in our thoughts and prayers.

Dragon Fitness Training is in full swing at Mountainburg Middle School Brain Academy. Ms. Watkins & the students are doing a great job!

DRAGON WEEKLY| September is here... temperatures are beginning to get cooler... fall is in the air! It is great to be a Dragon!! Keep up with the activities at Mountainburg Schools in the Dragon Weekly: https://www.smore.com/zdwa2

Happy Grandparents Day!

A sweet moment from this past week
Members got to trade answers to math problems for cookies!🍪
These cookies were given to the kids to thank them for helping us have a sweet week at club :)

Elkins Invitational Jr. High boys 2 mile times: Ethan Manus: 13:51, Levi Wilcox: 15:45, Camden Jones: 16:07, Nick Rodriguez: 16:38, Hines Duncan: 17:25, Chase McClarty: 17:39, Josh Lee: 18:42, Brady Bassham: 18:42, Zeb Rosenzweig: 22:47, Dash Hamilton: 23:39. Great Job Dragons!

Elkins Invitational Jr. High Girls 2 Mile times: Amzie Russell: 20:02, Vera Vichaivattana: 21:20, Marsha Bryant: 21:40, Macailla Martin: 27:04. Great Job Dragons!

Congrats to Ethan Manus, 10th place at the Elkins Invitational with a 2 mile time of 13:51!

Congrats to Olivia Prothro, 6th Place at the Elkins invitational with a 5k time of 24:09!