It's Friday!! And that means Friday Night Lights in Dragon Stadium! Bleachers will be wet after all this rain so please be cautious and take it slow.
Tonight starts conference play against Bigelow!! Let's bring out the crowd and get behind the Dragons!

Have An Awesome Friday Dragon family no

DRAGON WEEKLY| Saw something in the Dragon Weekly but need to find that edition? Each week the Dragon Weekly Newsletter is posted in the News section of the district website. This would be the quickest way to locate a certain edition.
A link to a newsletter can also be found by scrolling back through Facebook...or look for 98900 in your text messages. That is the SMS number assigned to Mountainburg Schools for text messages...check back in your email and look for Mountainburg Schools.

LITTLE LEAGUE BASKETBALL| Registration is open for the 2023-2024 Little League Basketball program.
Link to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfO6Dmbkr3u9kheLRmRIJphCa72ysFMmKuXH4MpviZ5OFhTmg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

Don't Forget!
Friday, September 22, 2023, MES will celebrate Grandparent's Day at 1:15-2:00 pm. Grandparent's come join us for an ice cream social!

September 22 is the deadline to nominate a teacher for the Arkansas Valley Electric Teacher Appreciation Award: https://www.avecc.com/news/post/245/nominate-a-teacher-today#:~:text=Arkansas%20Valley%20Electric's%20annual%20%242%2C500,Changing%20the%20Communities%20We%20Serve.%E2%80%9D

Brush your hair, brush your teeth, put on your best smile... It is time for Fall Portraits!

FAMILY AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT SURVEY| We are asking for feedback from our parents and guardians of students in our district. Please take a couple of minutes to provide feedback to the two questions in this survey.
All responses are confidential. You are not required to provide your name or an email.
Link to Survey: https://forms.gle/dPkiVut2gksRcwkd6

NEW SCHEDULE| Mark your calendars for the dates of fall Parent-Teacher Conferences.

WELCOME TO MOUNTAINBURG| Mrs. Badelic has arrived! Please welcome her to MHS as our new Science teacher.

Happy Thursday Dragons 😊

HELP SEND MHS FFA TO THE NATIONAL CONVENTION| Grab a bowl of chili or a plate of spaghetti with a cinnamon roll and drink before Homecoming on October 6.

September 22 is the deadline to nominate a teacher for the Arkansas Valley Electric Teacher Appreciation Award: https://www.avecc.com/news/post/245/nominate-a-teacher-today#:~:text=Arkansas%20Valley%20Electric's%20annual%20%242%2C500,Changing%20the%20Communities%20We%20Serve.%E2%80%9D

This is a different format of the 2023 Crawford County Fair Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/c52yn

CELEBRATING WINNERS| Mountainburg students had a tremendous showing at the 2023 Crawford County Fair the week of September 9 - 16. Congratulations to all those who participated and/or won. Shout Out to all the parents and guardians who support these young people in their endeavors.
You can read about each one in the Special Edition of the Dragon Weekly: 2023 Crawford County Fair: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nOs0ye_n1cBntlKAzyr9zN2O42uTcJy6/view?usp=sharing

It's going to be a wonderful Wednesday! 😊

Grandparents Day

Flu shot Clinic!

No classes for students Monday, September 25

Save the Date! 🧡