GAME CHANGE: There will not be a 7th grade game on Thursday, Oct 5 against JC Westside. The Jr High game against JC Westside will start at 7:00.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
UPCOMING FOOTBALL GAMES| Mountainburg will be hosting 7th Grade and Jr High Football Games on Thursday, October 5 and Sr High Football against Magazine on Friday, October 6 for Homecoming. We have put together some graphics that will also be posted at the stadium. Please take a moment to read through them. We look forward to two nights of great Dragon Football and excellent sportsmanship from everyone in attendance, both on and off the football field.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Dragon Stadium
It was Jersey Day at Mountainburg Schools today. Students wore their favorite team or player jersey. Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone who participated.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Jersey Day
Dragons make today count!
over 1 year ago, Becky Dean
LITTLE LEAGUE HOMECOMING REMINDERS: If your child is wanting to walk, please email or send the paperwork back in with student's name, parent's name (how they want announced) and age group. Email address: Ticket money is due on Thursday, October 5th by 3:00 PM SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7: Pictures at Old Rock Garage in front of the football stadium beginning at 8:30am. Homecoming Ceremony begins at 10:00 AM Drawing for prizes will be in-between games, around 10:50 AM. The winner does not have to be present to win.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Just a Reminder
It's gonna be a GREAT day!! 😊
over 1 year ago, Becky Dean
It is Homecoming Week '23!! The Kindergarten Attendants representing the Class of 2036 are ready to have a great week! Thank you to all the participants and to everyone who came out to support the parade. It's time to get behind the Dragons to a victory over Magazine!
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
It was a Barbie World at each campus today! Thank you to everyone who participated. We have our winners for today. Pictures are posted of the winners we had available. They will receive their prize tomorrow.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Good afternoon everyone. This is Mrs. Christian. I know I sound like a broken record with parade reminders. 1. Line up starts at 5:15-5:30. Parade starts at 6:00. There is not a specific line-up other than at the start of the parade. 2. Enter Silver Lining Transport through the north driveway and go around the north end of the building to line up. 3. If you have several riders, please meet in the football field parking lot, load up, and then come over to line up. 4. When you get on Hwy 71, go north; turn in to the school by the Administration Building. 5. Drive across the bus loading drive. Someone will be on campus to direct. 6. Exit campus off of the south bus road, not through the parking lot. 7. Return back to the football field parking lot, if needed, to meet parents. We want everyone to enjoy the 2023 Homecoming Parade and we want everyone to be safe. We appreciate the participation and cooperation from everyone.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
October marks the celebration of a special group of leaders in our community – our school principals. These dedicated individuals play a pivotal role in shaping our students’ futures and the trajectory of our education system. This month-long celebration is an opportunity to recognize and thank our principals for their unwavering dedication, exceptional leadership, and remarkable impact on student success. We encourage you to join us, and educational organizations nationwide, as we acknowledge the tireless efforts of these unsung heroes. Share your appreciation using the hashtag #ThankAPrincipal on social media, and visit for more resources and ways to get involved. Let’s come together to celebrate the extraordinary individuals at the helm of our schools and the difference they make every day transforming our communities.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Today is National Custodial Workers Day!! At MPS, we know we are blessed with the best custodians. Do you know that the word "janitor" comes from Latin for "gatekeeper?" Not only do they keep our facilities clean, but they also ensure safe and welcoming environments at each campus. Thank you Will and Crew!!
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
National Custodian Appreication Day
Happy Monday Dragons! Happy Homecoming week!! Lots of fun in store for our Dragon students & families!
over 1 year ago, Becky Dean
It is Homecoming Week '23!! A lot of activities going on at school. October is proving to be a very busy month. Check it all out in the Dragon Weekly:
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
LITTLE LEAGUE BASKETBALL: If you had trouble with the first link to register your child for the 23-24 Little League Basketball season, please try this link:
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
We are getting geared up for Homecoming Week '23! PARADE REMINDERS: There is not a lot of room at Silver Lining Transport especially during parade line-up. Please make arrangements with those involved to meet at the football field parking lot to load the float or trailer and then come to Silver Lining Transport to line-up. Floats/Trailers do not need to return to Silver Lining Transport after you drive through the high school campus. Groups should plan to return to the football field parking lot for parents to pick up their children. We look forward to a great parade and a fun Homecoming Week for 2023!
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
FLU CLINIC INFORMATION| The flu clinic will be held on Tuesday, October 10. ALL MES and MMS students were given a flu shot packet on Friday, September 29. MHS students can stop by the office to pick up a packet. The clinic will be open to the community from 8:30 AM—9:00 AM at MES.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Flu Fighter
Happy Friday!
over 1 year ago, Becky Dean
REMINDER| School pictures are tomorrow at each campus.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Presenting the 2023 Dragon Homecoming Court: Front row: Laurie Lamance - Junior Maid, Autumn Lindsey, Alexie Holt, Eden Dean - Senior Queen Candidates, Maddie Howell - Junior Maid. Back row: Willow Hecox-Freshman Maid, Kyla Blair-Sophomore Maid, Lane Biery, Shay Pixley, Bobby Dean - Senior King Candidates, Abbey Griffith - Sophomore Maid, River Baldwin - Freshman Maid Our 2023 Dragon Homecoming King and Queen will be crowned during the Homecoming Ceremony on Friday, October 6 starting at 6:30 PM.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
HOCo 23
DRAGON YEARBOOK| The 2023 Dragon Yearbook arrived today. Mrs. Christian has been out most of this week with an illness. She will get the paid orders sent to the campuses next week. She will post and notify how many are left for purchase. Class of 2023: You will need to come to the high school to pick up your book if you ordered one and it is paid for. Please contact Mrs. Christian. If you did not purchase a book and would like one reserved, please email Mrs. Christian @ She will make arrangements with you to pick up and pay for a yearbook. Cost is $50.00. Make checks to Mountainburg High School. Thank you for supporting the tradition of having a yearbook.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian