Here are pictures of the float winners and the Paint It Blue winner for Homecoming Week 2023. Thank you to everyone who participated and congratulations to the winners!
PC: Kaley Jo Beck with Heritage Portraits

Who is brave enough to enter the Haunted Hall at the Fall Festival?

Below is the schedule for Mountainburg Wrestling. These athletes and Coach Kearney are establishing a new tradition for Mountainburg Schools. Unless someone knows differently, it is believed this is the first Dragon Wrestling Team.

BASKETBALL SCHEDULE| Below is the 23-24 Dragon Basketball Schedule. We are super excited to be starting a new tradition of hosting the Bob Denniston Classic in December.
Link to the schedule: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mgY2ddhVaehEKvKTuNM3F19f15cKRtYxW_Uu_pzanHI/edit?usp=sharing

Our Cheer teams are selling Pink Out shirts for breast cancer awareness month. All proceeds from the shirts will be donated to The Cancer House.
Pink Out with MJH- Oct. 19th
Pink Out with MHS- Oct. 27th
You can contact Mary Hecox - mary.hecox@mountainburg.org or place your order online: https://rockhousedesigns.com/collections/mountainburg-school

Have a wonderful Wednesday Dragon Family. 😊

Mr Johnson had bus drills with Kindergarten and PreK students today. The students learned the rules of riding the buses and safety information .

Thanks to our local health department and local nurses for coming out and giving flu shots to our faculty and students.

Happy Tuesday Dragons.

Interested in being a substitute at Mountainburg Schools?

Jr. High Boys Prairie Grove Invitational times: Ethan Manus (3rd) 13:15, Nick Rodriguez (5th) 13:55, Levi Wilcox (6th) 14:06, Camden Jones (8th) 14:44, Chase McClarty: 16:43, Josh Lee: 16:42, Hines Duncan: 16:44, Brady Bassham: 16:48, Dash Hamilton: 22:31, Zeb Rosenzwieg 22:43.

Congrats to our Jr High Boys Cross Country Team! 2023 Prairie Grove Invitational Champions!

Congrats to our Jr High Girls Cross Country Runners! Vera Vitchaivattana: 3rd Place with a time of 17:41 & Amzie Russell: 7th Place with a time of 19:32.

Congrats to Olivia Prothro, 1st place at the Prairie Grove invitational with a 5k time of 22:00!

Powder Puff Football Game '23!!! Tuesday, October 10 @ 6:30 PM, Dragon Stadium. Admission is $5.00 for everyone since this is a fundraiser for the senior class. There will be concessions available - Bottled Water, Candy, Chips - each item will be $1.00.
Come out for some great entertainment and support the Class of 2024!

Start the day and week with Gratitude.

CORRECTIONS| There were some items from Mrs. Dean that were accidentally left out of the MES section of the Dragon Weekly this week: https://www.smore.com/cj3ue

DRAGON WEEKLY| Homecoming Week 2023 was a success... now on to the PowderPuff Football Game, Fall Festival, and the great things happening at each campus - https://www.smore.com/cj3ue

2023 OVERALL SPIRIT WEEK WINNERS!!! It was a great week for Homecoming 2023! Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to everyone who participated each day to show your Dragon Spirit! The Dragons had an impressive victory over the Rattlers for Homecoming.
The overall winners will receive their prizes on Tuesday.

Congratulations to the winners for Dragon Blue and White Day!! Thank you to everyone who participaed.