In Mrs. Christian's Media and Communications class, there have been a variety of projects being done. One of those has been preparing for book talks or book readings. Noah Hecox, Tarin Preston, and Shay Pixley picked out video equipment that Mrs. Cristee ordered using funds from a SOAR Grant.
The video equipment arrived, the video crew got it set up, and today, they videoed our first book reading. Adison Gould reads the book "Bonaparte Falls Apart." After the video was done, Tanika Sixkiller did some editing.
The students are taking on leadershop roles in the class in designing and developing different projects.
Job Well Done Today!
We hope you enjoy this Halloween story!

At the half JV 14-0.

We are looking forward to seeing our parents at the Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences on Tuesday, October 24 OR Thursday, October 26. Both days, teachers will be available from 3:30 - 6:30.
The schedule for Parent-Teacher Conferences is new or hasn't been used here in a long time. We hope that it provides flexibility for our parents to be able to attend one of the evenings and visit with teachers.

Mountainburg Public Schools seeks energetic and dedicated applicants to join our food service team for the 23-24 school year. The starting salary is $14,028 on a 185-day, 6.5-hour day contract. Work hours are typically 7:00 AM -1:30 PM. Benefits include contracted salary, sick leave and personal leave, retirement, and insurance options. This position has an immediate opening and the contract will be pro-rated for the remaining number of days to be worked.
For specific information contact Foodservice Director at Tina.Metzger@mountainburg.org
To Apply: https://www.mountainburg.org/o/mountainburgps/page/job-description

3rd grade science classes studying force and motion.

Are you preventing human misery this week?

ACT PREP| Parents of 8th - 12th grade students - It is never too early for your student to start preparing for the ACT Test.
MHS Math teacher, Mrs. Toralba, is going to begin an ACT Test Prep class on Tuesday and Thursday, 3:30 - 4:35. You or your student can email her at abbygail.toralba@mountainburg.org to sign up.
Can't make it to the class? Check out this video from Mrs. Bradley about a free tool that students can use to prepare for the ACT at home: https://watch.screencastify.com/v/gbjL9Y7EwDv2aXOSDOvL

Reminder: Tomorrow (Oct. 19th) is the last day to enter a "Book Character Pumpkin" for the MES Library Pumpkin Contest. Judging will take place mid-morning tomorrow and then the pumpkins will be sent home or parents may pick them up.
The MES Fall Scholastic Book Fair opens in two days... this Friday! Everyone is excited to visit the Book Fair, so we'll be saying goodbye to the pumpkins and hello to the Book Fair! After-school hours are 3-6 PM and throughout the conferences next Tuesday and Thursday. The Book Fair will close at 4:00 on the last day - Oct. 31st.

UNCLAIMED PRIZES| Mrs. Dennis has a lot of unclaimed prizes that weren't picked up at Little League Homecoming on Saturday, October 7.
If you sold the ticket to a winner listed below, please let them know that they won a prize and where it can be picked up.
Check to see if your name is below. Contact Mrs. Dennis to pick up your prize: angie.dennis@mountainburg.org or call the Administration Office - 369-2146. Prizes can be picked up at the Mountainburg Administration Building.

Visit the Haunted Hall while at the Fall Festival!

Check out the events going on with the MES Library.

It is Fall Festival time!!
Be sure to check with your student's teachers to see if they need any help at the Fall Festival.

Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on October 24 and October 26, 3:30 - 6:30 each day.

Substitutes are always needed. ESS will be having a training at Mountainburg Schools on November 1.

The annual Slam Dunk to Dragon Basketball will be on Saturday, November 4. This gives parents and the community a chance to see the 23-24 Jr High and Sr High Dragons and Lady Dragons Basketball Teams. And of course, the always entertaining Alumni Games!
We need former Dragons and Lady Dragons to register to play: https://forms.gle/McDQoubLWL1p65h96
Deadline to register is October 27 in order to get a t-shirt. Registration fee is $25.00.
All proceeds benefit the Dragons Basketball Team.

Basketball Season will be here soon! Below is the schedule which should be pretty set as it is.

Let's hear it for the Band of Dragons again!! Congratulations!

May your Wednesday be filled with blessings! 💙

Willow Hecox competed in the Youth Talent Portion of the State Fair today after winning at Crawford County. She was selected to move to the finals on Saturday! Let's send her some words of encouragement and congratulations!

If you are interested in applying and need assistance, please see Mrs. Christian or Mrs. Bradley.
The United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) is currently accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year. We need your help sharing information about USSYP with eligible high-school juniors or seniors. The program is looking for qualified students who:
Show demonstrated leadership by serving in elected or appointed positions in which they are actively representing a constituency, such as:
*organizations related to student government
*public affairs
*community service.
Are actively serving in qualified leadership positions, enrolled in high school, and living in the state that they will represent for the entire 2023-2024 academic year.
Two student leaders from each state, the District of Columbia, and the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) will spend one week in Washington, D.C., observing the national government in action as delegates to USSYP. After conferencing with national leaders on Capitol Hill and at the White House, Supreme Court, Pentagon, and Department of State, each delegate is awarded a $10,000 college scholarship.
Please read the linked DESE USSYP letter to school counselors, which provides more information on how to qualify and apply: DESE USSYP 2023-2024 School Counselor Letter.
USSYP APPLICATIONS must be clearly POSTMARKED no later than October 20, 2023. There are no exceptions to this deadline; late or incomplete applications will be disqualified. The letter also includes a link to the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) USSYP website, which refers to links for the USSYP application, eligibility rules and requirements, and formatting guidelines for the USSYP application.
If you have additional questions regarding this scholarship opportunity, please contact Ronda Smith, USSYP State Coordinator, DESE, at (501) 682-7816 or email Ronda.Smith@ade.Arkansas.gov. Additional information and applications are available at the DESE USSYP Website Link.