Criminal Justice is a new Program of Study at MHS. Students are being exposed to multiple career opportunities in this field. Today they heard from US Marshall Cory Thomas!

Parents, when you visit MHS parent teacher conferences this afternoon from 3:30 to 6:30 you can also visit the book fair at MMSBA! See you soon!

Our Mountainburg Elementary Nurse Hale is seeking donations of new or used sweatpants and/or leggings in sizes 4-8 for the nurses office.

CONGRATULATIONS RYAN ALLEN! Ryan was recognized as the River Valley Democrat-Gazette Player of the Week for his performance in the homecoming game on Friday, October 6.
Dalton Longan with Shelter Insurance in Alma was on campus Monday, October 23 to present Ryan with a certificate.
Congratulations Ryan!

CONGRATULATIONS! James Candelaria with Kevin Clifton Real Estate, recognized Garrett Jones as the Mountainburg Dragons Pro Player of the Week! Garrett is being recognized for his hard work and teamwork on and off the field.

Parent-Teacher Conferences are being held again today, Oct 26, 3:30-6:30. We hope to see you there!

What words will you choose today?

MOUNTAINBURG MIDWEEK| Tune in each week for a midweek recap from the Dragon Weekly and anything that has happened during the week at Mountainburg Schools.
Students in Mrs. Christian's Media and Communications class are leading this project from planning, videoing, and editing. You never know who you might see on the Midweek!
This is the students' first week to do this. This is the students' first time to put this together. We are looking forward to continued learning and improvement each week.
Video: Tarin Preston, Noah Hecox, Shay Pixley
Editing: Tanika Sixkiller

This evening, the Administration and Board of Education of Mountainburg Schools, along with Rep, Chad and Shawntill Puryear, representatives from Van Horn Construction, MAHG Architecture, Inc., along with Miss Mountainburg titleholders, our reigning homecoming king and queen, many other students, teachers, and community members were on hand to break ground for the brand new Gym/Activity Center and Band Room!
Thank you to everyone who attended. It is great to be a DRAGON!!

Do you want to be a Secret Santa or know someone who does? Contact Amy Allen or Becky Dean at 479-369-2762. Help make a students holiday the merriest ever!

WRESTLING| There will be no live mats this evening for high school wrestling.

What do You choose today?

The Mountainburg Boys and Girls Club will be hosting a national celebration at the Mountainburg Elementary on Thursday the 26th. Join us for fall crafts and pizza!

We would love to see a big crowd tomorrow evening to join us for the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the brand new Gym/Activity Center and Band Room.

ATU - RUSSELLVILLE| Presley Thompson from ATU - Russellville visited with the seniors in Mrs. Christian's College and Career Readiness classes today. She provided a very thorough overview of ATU. The students were able to sign up to get more information plus she had catalogs to give them. Thank you for visiting MHS Presley!

Art Show part 2 ! If you attend parent teacher conferences this week at Mountainburg Elementary, stop in and see the art show in Mrs Wilcox's classroom. The kids have been doing awesome things in art this year. Way to go Dragons!

Art Show part 2 ! If you attend parent teacher conferences this week at Mountainburg Elementary, stop in and see the art show in Mrs Wilcox's classroom. The kids have been doing awesome things in art this year. Way to go Dragons!

If you attend parent teacher conferences this week at Mountainburg Elementary, stop in and see the art show in Mrs Wilcox's classroom. The kids have been doing awesome things in art this year. Way to go Dragons!

If you attend parent teacher conferences this week at Mountainburg Elementary, stop in and see the art show in Mrs Wilcox's classroom. The kids have been doing awesome things in art this year. Way to go Dragons!

Have a GREAT Tuesday Dragons! 😊