All seats will be tagged for the Slam Dunk to Dragon Basketball. Please send money tomorrow (Friday) or plan to pay on Saturday. If something has changed and you no longer want to pay the reservation fee, please contact Misty Christian as soon as possible.
The Mountainburg Athletic Department appreciates everyone who has reserved seats. This money goes toward the athletic programs at Mountainburg Schools.

BLUE SEAT RESERVATIONS - Updated Graphic - 9:22 AM, November 2

Celebrating the positive at MHS. We had an animal knock over trash cans overnight. Eli Bassham, Nate Bassham, and Kyle Reynolds picked up the trash this morning. Keep up the good work!

I hope all Dragons have a Thankful Thursday. 😊

GOOD LUCK!! Let's send good luck vibes to Ethan Manus and Olivia Prothro. They will be headed to Hot Springs on November 2 after school to compete in the Arkansas State Cross Country Championship Meet on Friday, November 3.

BLUE SEAT RESERVATIONS| Below is the graphic as of today to indicate the reserved seating. If you would like to have your seat available to you on Saturday at Slam Dunk, please send payment to Mrs. Christian or drop it off in the office with Roger.
Come out and see our Jr High and Sr High Basketball Teams plus the always entertaining alumni games!!

Just Be Kind.

MHS had some fun today! There were a lot of great costumes. Students and teachers voted and our winners today were SpongeBob and the Alien Abduction!

Tomorrow is WEAR RED Day for Red Ribbon Week!

There is still time for 7th - 12th grade students to join the 23-24 Dragon Wrestling Team.

CONGRATULATIONS RYAN ALLEN! Ryan was recognized as the River Valley Democrat-Gazette Player of the Week for his performance in the game on Friday, October 27 against Hector.
Dalton Longan with Shelter Insurance in Alma was on campus Monday, October 30 to present Ryan with a certificate.
Congratulations Ryan!

MMSBA PTO is sponsoring a Dodgeball Tournament on Saturday, November 11 starting at Noon in the Mountainburg Middle School Gym.
Get 5 friends or family members together to form a team. Registration is $5.00 per team!
You can register your team at this link: https://forms.gle/z9hqNBBPrHPsujYH7
OR in the MMS Office with Mrs. Pense OR message MMSBA PTO on Facebook to register.
This is a great way to support MMS PTO and have fun with friends and family.

What is Chronic Absenteeism?
A student who misses 10% or more of their school days, which averages to just two days a month, for any reason, is considered chronically absent. Every absence, excused or unexcused, (including suspensions), is a learning opportunity lost. Chronically absent students are more likely to fall behind academically and less likely to graduate from high school. Addressing chronic absenteeism and developing good attendance habits is a solvable problem for which we all share responsibility.
Need help reaching good attendance?
Call your school office for assistance and let's help them stay Dragon💙Strong.

The 23-24 Basketball Season is just around the corner!
The Sr High Dragons and Sr High Lady Dragons will be in tournaments at West Fork.
Please note that the tournaments are two different weeks. The girls tournament will be November 6 - 9. The boys tournament will be November 27, 29, and 30.

Tomorrow is the day to join the ESS substitute team! 💙

Help them grow into strong readers 💙

Follow along with MHS Senior, Scarlette Nichols, as she reads, "I'm Not Scared, YOU'RE Scared" by Seth Myers
Happy Halloween!

Dragons, have a Safe & Happy Halloween.

The MES Book Fair is open until 6:00 tonight, but tomorrow is the final day for this Book Fair. Since tomorrow is Halloween, I will be closing it by 4:30. Thank you to all the Book Fair visitors and supporters! Your support is ALWAYS appreciated!!!