It's time for our first reading of Zoey and Sassafras: Dragons and Marshmallows by Asia Citro! For Wednesday, November 8th, let's read Chapters 1, 2, and 3 on pages 5-20. Trivia questions will be asked on Thursday morning in the classroom. Happy reading!
over 1 year ago, Tracey Earnhart
Book Cover
Dragons have a Wonderful Wednesday.😊
over 1 year ago, Becky Dean
PARENT SURVEY: FALL PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES| The administration would like to have parent/guardian feedback regarding Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences on Tuesday, October 24 and Thursday, October 26. Thank you for taking the time to do the survey. Survey:
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
BLUE SEATS| There are 3 blue seats available (red boxes). Thank you to everyone who has reserved a seat. The money from the blue seat reservations goes into athletics. It is indicated on the graphic that there is seating between the rows of blue seats for Dragon fans.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
TECH IT OUT| Today, 30 MHS Seniors and Mrs. Christian attended Tech It Out at ATU-Ozark. The students were able to visit with several representatives from different program areas. They then got to visit with instructors and tour classrooms and facilities. Thank you ATU-Ozark for putting this event together for the area. #atuozark #afuturebeyondtheclassroom #DiscoverYourPotential
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
WEST FORK BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT| The senior high basketball teams are playing in tournaments being held in West Fork this month. The Lady Dragons are playing this week. They will play on Wednesday, November 8 @ 4:00. The Dragons will play the week after Thanksgiving Break. The brackets are provided below.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Friday, MHS and MMS will have an assembly to honor our veterans at 9:45. Our guest speaker this year is Derl Horn. Attached is a little about Mr. Horn's book. It will be for sale for $15 following our assembly!
over 1 year ago, Courtney Cristee
What will You leave behind, Dragons?
over 1 year ago, Becky Dean
Lady Dragons lose a tough one 48-45 to Prairie Grove. They resume play in the West Fork Invitational Wednesday at 4:00.
over 1 year ago, Zach Dean
Halftime Lady Dragons 25 Prairie Grove 20
over 1 year ago, Zach Dean
CORRECTION| The MMSBA PTO will meet on Monday, November 13, 6:00 PM, in the MMS Library.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Attention Elementary Parents: The text for our next One School, One Book project will be coming home with students on Tuesday, November 7th. The scheduled reading will begin on Wednesday, November 8th. Be watching for the book and planning how your family is going to read together!
over 1 year ago, Tracey Earnhart
What is Chronic Absenteeism? A student who misses 10% or more of their school days, which averages to just two days a month, for any reason, is considered chronically absent. Every absence, excused or unexcused, (including suspensions), is a learning opportunity lost. Chronically absent students are more likely to fall behind academically and less likely to graduate from high school. Addressing chronic absenteeism and developing good attendance habits is a solvable problem for which we all share responsibility. Need help reaching good attendance? Call your school office for assistance and let's help them stay Dragon💙Strong.
over 1 year ago, Debbie Atwell
Happy Monday Dragons!
over 1 year ago, Becky Dean
The November tradition has arrived - Who will be the Biggest Turkey at MES?
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
MES Veterans Day Assembly - All guests must have a picture ID and check-in through the campus office upon arrival.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
All but three blue seats are reserved. There is still bench seating between the rows of the blue seats on the home side. Please see the graphic below for more information regarding paying the reservation fee.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Blue Seats
MMS/MHS Veterans Day Assembly - All guests must have a picture ID and check-in through the office upon arrival.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
MHS Veterans Day Assembly
Interested in being a Secret Santa for a student in Mountainburg Schools? See the graphic below for more information.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian
Secret Santa
Mountainburg Schools will be closed the week of November 20 - 24 for the Thanksgiving Break.
over 1 year ago, Misty Christian