Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Scott Organ
Technology Director
Administation Office
Alicia Pense
MS Secretary
Middle School Brain Academy
Jayson Peppas
Chief of Police/Criminal Justice Instructor
District Staff
Chasity Powell
District Business Manager/Supt Secretary
Administation Office
Dawn Prothro
Elementary School
Hailey Quinalty
High School
Amber Ridenoure
Elementary School
Nancy Robbins
Federal Programs Coordinator
District Staff
Tammy Sangster
Music Teacher/Asst Band Director
Elementary School
Angie Spradlin
Fifth Grade
Elementary School
Cynthia Seratt
High School
Brittany Severson
Fifth Grade
Elementary School
Tim Shepard
Transportation Assistant
Transportation Department
Tammy Shepard
High School
Michelle Sherwin
MHS Special Education
High School
Bonnie Sigler
Bus Driver
Transportation Department
Michael Smith
SPED Teacher/Asst Football/Head Softball
High School
Jerry Smith
Transportation Director
Transportation Department
Carsyn Smothers
English/Language Arts
High School
Tina Sorensen
Middle School Brain Academy