Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Zach Dean
Athletic Director/Football
High School
Regina Dettra
Library Media Specialist
Elementary School
Becky Dollard
Student Services
Administation Office
Tracey Earnhart
Instructional Facilitator
Elementary School
Cenda Edwards
Language Arts/Career Development
Middle School Brain Academy
Brooke Ellis
Food Service
Elementary School
Katie Foust
High School
Brenda Frazier
Middle School Brain Academy
Angela Giberson
Librarian/Media Specialist
High School
Christal Gilmore
First Grade Teacher
Elementary School
Ashley Gonzalez
MMS English & Language Arts
Middle School Brain Academy
Melissa Granados
Elementary School
Trinity Graves
SPED Paraprofessional
Elementary School
Andrea Gulledge
Food Service
Elementary School
Jim Hall
Agricultural Education
High School
Lakin Hamilton
Fourth Grade
Elementary School
Barbara Hammond
Bus Driver
Transportation Department
Sarah Hattabaugh
Elementary School
Hannah Hays
Career Coach
District Staff
Kristen Haywood
MHS FACS Teacher
High School