The Mountainburg Junior High and Varsity cheerleading squads utilize the athletic portion of the sport to develop the athlete physically through flexibility and strength. This allows the athlete to creatively promote spirit leading within the school and community during football and basketball events. Cheerleading at Mountainburg Schools strives to empower the athlete by encouraging their self-esteem and aids in developing a sense of leadership and sense of community through our volunteer programs. Our cheerleading program also promotes the importance of academics while participating in the program.
Mountainburg Cheerleaders learn dance moves, jumps, basic tumbling, and cheer motions to enhance their crowd-leading abilities. Squads participate in summer camps as well as summer practices. During the year, Varsity members participate in a class during the day. Junior high members have after-school practices to prepare for games.
The program also participates in volunteering with the little league programs. As well as a yearly "Change for a Cure" change drive that is donated to the Reynolds Cancer Support House in Fort Smith. Additionally, we sponsor a Toy Toss in December to give toys to Mountainburg Students who are in need of Christmas presents.
The Mountainburg Junior High program serves students entering the 7th-8th grades. The Varsity program serves students entering the 9th-12th grades. In order to participate, the Arkansas Activities Association has regulations that have to be met concerning Grade Point Averages, (GPA) and eligibility. Tryouts are held annually usually in March.
For more information about Dragon Cheer:
Mary Hecox (Varsity squad)
Amber Ridenoure (Junior High squad)